Food Waste
Transparency Bin
Food Waste Transparency Bin
Food waste can occur during all stages of the food consumption process, from purchase, storage, to disposal. People lack understanding of it and have no idea how to change it.
Helping people develop their food consumption habits to be more responsible and reasonable is something we are doing. This system is not expect to change your behaviour immediately but will intervene (give advice and show facts) at every stage regarding food consumption and change you progressively.
The bin will begin to analyse the waste (weight and type) and perform classification by machine learning when you throw away new food waste.
Recognisable and valuable ingredients will be counted and sent to the app (except for some kitchen leftovers such as peels, which cannot be used).
A hub that show the facts and trends of your food waste and give you Insightful advice and reminders based on that.
The facts provide you with a sense of how much and what type of food you waste, and the trends on how much you have improved over yesterday and how you compare with others. With insightful advice and reminders, you find the problem you may have ignored before, and you can receive advice based on your waste trends.